7_Street in Italy by Bronnikov

Street in Italy FyodorAdreyevich Bronnikov, 1850s

Fyodor Bronnikov (1827-1902) born in Russia, displayed an early talent for painting. He was initially taught by his father who was a decorative painter. When his father died, Bronnikov became an apprentice to a woodcutter, but later attended art academy and then travelled to Italy where he spent much of this life. He was known for his landscapes, historical works, pictures of everyday domestic life, and his portraits. Latterly, he produced a number of paintings reflecting his political views around the evils of slavery, and the harsh realities of everyday life for peasants.


Fyodor Andreyevich Bronnikov [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Wrap Up Your Painting

  • How many building materials did you spot in your buildings?
  • How did the placement of the buildings in the painting make you feel?
  • What viewpoint did you choose to stand at?
  • How did your impression of the scene change once you placed yourself inside the picture?
  • How do you feel now you’ve completed this activity? If you enjoyed it, why not add more Look at Paintings audio guides to your week? And don’t forget, you can take these guides with you to your local gallery and try them whilst standing in front of ‘real life’ art